The Gift of A Car Accident

Years ago, I was getting my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter ready for a kids' movie. It was June, and the weather was finally nice. The trip to the theater was about ten miles away. I was on summer break from teaching and was looking forward to spending some time being a mom. As I was putting her in the seat next to me, I heard a voice that said, "Put her in the back." You see, the parental guidelines for having a child next to you were determined by weight and height. Airbags did not exist as they do today. My daughter had sat next to me as soon as it was legal.

I reasoned with the voice that she always sat there so we could visit. Again, the voice repeated, "Put her in the back." The voice was insistent. Finally, the voice said, "Cathy, just put her in the back!" I put her in the back, hoping she would nap briefly before the movie.

Three miles down the road, we had an accident. It was a bad one, too. We were traveling on a well-traveled country road. There were only farmer fields and irrigation ditches. We went through an intersection when we were hit by a one-ton pickup pulling a full trailer. Our Toyota 4-Runner flipped up into the air and began to roll. We landed in an empty irrigation ditch. I could only hear my daughter screaming in the backseat when we finally stopped moving. I was terrified to look at her because I didn't know how I would find her. The first person on the scene was a Volunteer EMT who had been out plowing his field. He surveyed the scene and proceeded to pry us out of the vehicle. By the time we were free from the wreckage, the ambulance was there to take us to the hospital.

My daughter and I survived with cuts and bruises. We were so lucky. The only places not totaled on the 4-Runner were where we were sitting. The police officer even said he couldn't believe no one died.

Looking at these pictures from so long ago, I realize how many things went right that day. We had our seatbelts on; we were going the speed limit; the EMT was out plowing his field at the same time as the accident; the irrigation ditch was dry; no other cars were around this busy road; and the truck was totaled, but we only had cuts and bruises. We were alive! This day could have turned out so differently.

Reflecting on that moment, I realize how grateful I am for that voice that spoke up and said, "Just put her in the back." At the time, I didn't think about who was talking. Only after the accident did I know that someone was watching over us. It was as though the universe had sent a guardian angel to ensure our safety.

Many of us have an inner dialogue constantly running in the background of our minds. Sometimes, it can be a source of comfort or inspiration, but other times, it can be a harsh critic that tears us down. However, this voice was different. It was kind, gentle, and direct. It repeated the same message over and over. I smile now because the voice even called me by name to get my attention.

Through that experience, I am reminded of the power of intuition and the importance of listening to our inner voice. It may not always be easy to understand, but it is a valuable source of guidance and wisdom to help us navigate life's challenges. Whether we call it intuition, gut instinct, or divine intervention, we can trust that it will lead us in the right direction if we listen.


How to Mindfully Change Your Life